Sunday, May 13, 2012

I love my Mom

When people tell me that I'm really funny, I remember:  I got that from my mom.

When they say I'm a good writer, I remember: I got that from my mom.

When they say I am a good volunteer, I remember: I got that from my mom.

When they admire my relationship with my in-laws, I remember: I got that from my mom.

When they admire my perspective, I remember: I got that from my mom.

When I shop for bras, I remember: I got that from my dad.  Dammit.

I love you Mom! 


  1. haha, awesome post. Happy Mother's Day!!

  2. Aww! Happy belated Mother's Day!!

  3. Hahaha!! Happy Belated Mom's Day, darlin'!

  4. I LOVE that picture. Also, you.

  5. Love this. Happy Belated Mother's Day, Mary. Excuse me for being a bad blog friend--my life is craziness and you? Well, you just rock!


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