Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Real Challenge

Why is it that I can run laps with a sledgehammer, do triceps curls until my arms burn, run a 5K and push a Chevy down the street, but I can't keep my face out of the Valentine's candy?

Conversation Hearts?  SO yummy. 

Wait -- they are NOT yummy.  They are foul. 

I've eaten like 6 boxes of them this week.  Because no one seems to give out chocolate for valentines day anymore.

If I am going to reach my goal of weighing what I weighed when I married, then I am going to have to re-think the conversation hearts. 

Which sucks. 

Because I love those foul little things.


  1. I am not that big of a fan of the conversational hearts, but our house is filled with sugar and chocolates from Valentine's...and I keep giving into all the temptation!

  2. i am hooked on chocolate covered cherries, but don't see them throughout the year so i stock up on them and treat myself once every few days...but i have to finish them before they go stale, right?

  3. There are worse things that you can eat. At least they do not contain fat.

  4. The conversation hearts are awful but those marshmallow "peeps" are by far the worst thing ever made containing sugar.....

  5. Word of advice: Avoid the drug stores. I came home with 3 bags of clearanced Dove heart-shaped chocolates.

  6. Ahhh Love conversation hearts! Would you believe I couldn't find any this year???? Just like Necco wafers. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

  7. I was able to avoid eating conversation hearts the entire week. That is until I took a Xanax. could have put a naked Angelina Jolie and Christiano Ronaldo in front of me and I still would've went for the candy. Ok, maybe I would've stopped by Angelina's lips and Ronaldo's abs on the way there but I would have gotten to the candy pretty damn fast. What is it about Xanax that cures my anxiety but makes me forget all the hard work I do exercising and eat anything sweet within 100 yards??

  8. You said you were self-promoting on "The Bitchy Waiter's" take on the Men's Room. Well, that may be, but I came over for a look and really like what I read. I think I'll stick around, if you don't mind!

  9. far as those little frikkin' candy hearts go... They're like potato chips. Betcha can't eat just one.

  10. They never did it for me...but the white ones are always my favorite.

    Oh, and this is off of an old-old comment on the Handbag, but you know you're welcome to idea-steal any time! BECAUSE IT'S NOT STEALING! It's flattery!


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